Can you imagine if you could read productivity loss as an explicit expense line item on a financial statement?
What if this amounted to 10% or more of your revenue?
If you think that is far-fetched, just contemplate for a second on the productivity loss among the work force that handles design, development, sales, marketing, customer service and support, supplier management, improvement projects, and other business functions. They are often caught up in never ending planning meetings, reprioritization meetings, reactionary management to daily chaos, salvaging the latest customer issue, or supplier issue, and more. Busy activity is often mistaken for value-added work. And there is a hidden rework factory in plain sight!
We can recover this lost productivity with our algorithmic planning solutions. It’s the most efficient and budget-friendly approach to increasing productivity. Please reach out to us. We are eager to partner with you to explore how we can help your organization. The initial results can be seen in as little as 3 weeks!