Regarding the Productivity Decline – Washington Post Article

A recent Washington Post article highlights that the U.S workers productivity declined in the first half of 2022.

Expert opinions suggested ‘quiet quitting’, burnout, remote work, labor dynamics, and supply chain disruptions, as some likely factors contributing to this decline.

The article cited that it is weighing on the minds of some CEOs and leaders of leading technology companies. The focus of the article was on the productivity of “knowledge” workers, or those whose work is not production standard work.

While we may not be clear about what contributed to the recent decline, there are ever present significant system disconnects that stem from organizational dynamics that impact productivity, seen in most organizations.

Here is one example. A fundamental disconnect between plans and realities of people’s workloads. It results in a perpetual cycle of waste and increases employee stress. A dynamic solution is needed to remove this disconnect continually, in real time, to keep the organization executing plans smoothly; improve and sustain its productivity. 

A path to world class performance requires identification and removal of many such fundamental system disconnects that impact productivity. Please visit, contact me via LinkedIn, or email me at to discuss powerful solutions to address productivity concerns. They will be more impactful than siloed initiatives which do not transform underlying business systems.